Thursday, February 4, 2021

Textiles sales online

NEW ETSY site for Taquile Textiles

With art fairs restricted this year, we have opened an Etsy site to sell the textiles. 
Check it out at: Taquile Friends
I am telling the story of our project of Solar on Taquile, and our 35+ year relationship as well as offering the high quality textiles. So far most buyers have been positive and given us good reviews.

We have some stunningly beautiful hand woven scarves:

Also quite a few of different styles of winter hats: round topped beanies, pointy topped earflap hats and many more.

We have a beautiful selection of cell phone cases and chuspa medicine bags.

We have already sold out of full fingered gloves and just have a few open-fingered gloves yet.

Do check out our shop! If you scroll down past the listings, you will see more of our story.